We were pleased to host a special edition of the Global Debt Monitor series to discuss debt sustainability and the investment environment in Latin America. The event was held online on Tuesday, July 2, at 10:30 - 11:30 am EDT.

As the Brazilian G20 Presidency focuses on improving the international sovereign debt architecture - while also seeking to mobilize private capital for sustainable development - creating a better investment environment in emerging and developing economies is more important than ever. This program featured a brief presentation on our new report, "The Vital Role of Investor Relations in Supporting Stable Capital Flows." Following the presentation, our panel of experts discussed debt sustainability and investment considerations in Latin America, in the context of a rapidly changing political, policy and macroeconomic landscape. The discussion also looked at regional efforts to scale up climate and transition finance, and the increasing role of ESG debt markets in Latin America.


+ Clay Lowery, Executive Vice President, IIF

Presentation - IIF 2024 Investor Relations and Debt Transparency Report: The Vital Role of Investor Relations in Supporting Stable Capital Flows

+ Emre Tiftik, Director of Sustainability Research, IIF
+ Mauricio Cardenas Gonzalez, Economist, IIF

Panel Discussion

+ Maria Paola Figueroa, Head of Frontier Latam Research, IIF
+ Sonja Gibbs, Managing Director and Head of Sustainable Finance, IIF (moderator)
+ Edward Glossop, Chief Economist, Argo Capital Management Ltd.
+ Ana Jelenkovic, Director, Emerging Markets, Marathon Asset Management, LP

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].