We were delighted to host ‘The World is Waiting: Advancing Net Zero Commitments in Financial Services’ which is part of our “COP Talks” series. This series built on the themes and ambitions of the COP26, which was held in Glasgow on November 1 - 12. The financial services industry is an integral player in the quest to achieve a net-zero economy and to support broader sustainable development goals, and our COP Talks will cover some of the toughest yet most important issues facing the industry.
Getting to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions is increasingly recognized as an important goal by leaders within the global financial services community. Making this happen will require unprecedented levels of private and public finance, delivered in ways that genuinely respond to the bottom-up needs of businesses and communities in every economy. Measuring progress towards net-zero and translating commitments into genuinely green investments in buildings, industry, transport and other sectors in a manner that is fair and just to all economic agents and communities poses several challenges for the financial sector. This event looked to address measurement challenges, in addition to challenges on the respective roles of abatement and offsetting, market completion and policy coordination, and the need for a just transition.
- Catherine Saire, Partner, Sustainability Services (TCFD member), Deloitte France
Confirmed Speakers:
- Bridget Fawcett, Global Head, Strategy; Co-Head, Sustainability and Corporate Transitions, Banking, Capital Markets and Advisory, Citi
- Sonja Gibbs, Managing Director and Head of Sustainable Finance, Global Policy Initiatives, IIF (Moderator)
- Daniel Hanna, Global Head of Sustainable Finance, Standard Chartered
- Elodie Laugel, Head of Marketing for Institutionals, Amundi
- Yasmine Moezinia, Head of COP26 - Private Finance Team, H.M. Treasury
- John Scott, Head of Sustainability Risk, Zurich Insurance Group