We were delighted to host ‘A Practitioner’s Guide: Considerations for Banks Setting a Net Zero Strategy’, which is part of our "COP Talks" series. This series builds on the themes and ambitions of the upcoming COP26, which will be held in Glasgow on November 1 - 12. The financial services industry is an integral player in the quest to achieve a net-zero economy and to support broader sustainable development goals, and our COP Talks will cover some of the toughest yet most important issues facing the industry.

Banks have an essential role to play in the global transition to net zero. Commitments from the sector have been growing exponentially in the run-up to COP26. Launched by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales in 2020, the Sustainable Markets Initiative via its Financial Services Taskforce, chaired by HSBC Group Chief Executive Noel Quinn, has brought together 11 major banks to create a Practitioner's Guide which looks to help the sector move from net zero commitment to implementation by sharing their emerging experiences. This Practitioner’s Guide lays out areas where the industry is finding common ground, key topics of debate and selected recommendations, covering topics from measuring and setting targets for financed emissions to engaging with clients and investors.

Featured Speakers:

  • André Abadie, Managing Director, Head of Global Environmental and Social Risk Management, J.P. Morgan
  • Zoë Knight, Managing Director, Group Head of the HSBC Centre of Sustainable Finance, HSBC Holdings Plc
  • Elsa Palanza, Managing Director, Global Head of Sustainability & ESG, Barclays Plc