+ 9:00 am – 10:00 am New York / Washington, D.C.
+ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm London
+ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Brussels

We were delighted to host The Costs, Risks, and Rewards of the Net-Zero Transition event on March 24, in partnership with McKinsey & Company.

As global climate commitments ramp up, governments and companies around the world are grappling with the scale of economic transformation that will be needed to reach ambitious net-zero emissions goals. What would have to happen to demand, capital allocation, prices, jobs, and consumer spending patterns to ensure a successful transition to net-zero? A ground-breaking new report from McKinsey & Company, The Net-Zero Transition: What it Would Cost, What it Could Bring, uses the latest NGFS climate scenarios to cost the net-zero transition. The authors find significant, universal, and front-loaded costs of economic and societal adjustment, with a markedly uneven impact across sectors, geographies, and communities. The study also highlights the growth opportunities associated with transition as capital spending on physical assets is increased by an amount that is the equivalent to half of annual global corporate profits today.

This event included an interactive discussion on the risks and rewards of the net-zero transition, and a closer look at the pivotal role of financial institutions in managing these risks and supporting the large-scale capital raising and reallocation that will be needed through 2050.

Confirmed Speakers:
Natalie Blyth, Global Head of Commercial Banking Sustainability, HSBC Holdings Plc
Sonja Gibbs
Managing Director and Head of Sustainable Finance, IIF (moderator)
Mekala Krishnan, Partner, McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)

Catherine Mann, External Member Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England
Hamid Samandari,
Senior Partner, Cofounder and Senior Leader of the Risk & Resilience Practice, McKinsey & Company
Nathan Sheets, Global Chief Economist, Citi
Daniel Stephens, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

For questions or more information about the event please reach out to [email protected]