Speaker Profile

Headshot of <b>Valdis Dombrovskis</b>

Valdis Dombrovskis

Commissioner for Trade; Executive Vice President for an Economy that Works for People
European Commission
Valdis Dombrovskis is Executive Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for an Economy that Works for People, also in charge of Trade (since October 2020). Before this, he was Vice-President responsible for the euro, social dialogue, financial services, and the Capital Markets Union. In Latvia, he was his country’s longest-serving head of government with three terms as prime minister. He served as Finance Minister, was a Member of the Latvian Parliament and elected twice to the European Parliament. In his pre-political life, he worked as chief economist at the Bank of Latvia and before that, as a research assistant at Mainz University, at the Institute of Solid-State Physics in Latvia and the University of Maryland. Valdis Dombrovskis was born on 5 August 1971 in Riga and holds degrees in both physics and economics.