Status: Draft -- Not PublishedWill be live at 09/07/2006 15:48
Investor Relations: 2006 Update of Key Borrowing Countries
In December 2005, the IIF released a report Investor Relations: An Approach to Effective Communication and Enhanced Transparency that provides detailed analysis of investor relations and data transparency practices by the 30 most active emerging market borrowing countries. The report is provided in its entirety on the CD-ROM included with this update. The report aims to help authorities identify those aspects of their investor relations and data transparency practices that could benefit from strengthening. It offers investors a comprehensive comparative evaluation of communication and data dissemination practices for the countries that were assessed. The IIF’s investor relations and data practice assessments support broader initiatives on crisis prevention and crisis resolution, most notably the Principles for Stable Capital Flows and Fair Debt Restructuring in Emerging Markets.