Status: Draft -- Not PublishedWill be live at 12/16/2020 09:40
FRT Episode 83: Preparing for Quantum Computing
Where Quantum Computing has been seen emerging as a new frontier, recent developments have brought the opportunities of this technology closer than ever. Progress by IonQ, IBM, Honeywell has accelerated the development trajectory, underlining the importance for the financial industry to prepare for new opportunities and challenges.
This episode features highlights from the IIF’s recent Quantum Computing webinar, with insights from Denise Ruffner (IonQ), Marko Milek (State Street) and Rudy Raymond (IBM), in discussion with the IIF’s Conan French. In addition to explaining the research and implementation landscape, Denise, Marko and Rudy highlight some of the potential applications in financial services, particularly in areas like fraud detection
Denise, Marko and Rudy also highlight potential applications in support of sustainability, as well as foreshadow the focus of NIST in quantum preparedness in 2021.