Status: Draft -- Not PublishedWill be live at 05/18/2021 14:41
FRT Episode 95: Machine Learning Trends & Developments with Truera’s Shameek Kundu
In his previous capacity as Chief Data Officer at Standard Chartered, Shameek Kundu was one of the foremost intellectual leaders in the IIF’s work on Machine Learning, and he now surveys the wider industry’s adoption of this technology from his new role as Head of Financial Services and Chief Strategy Officer at Truera, a startup business dedicated to building trust in AI. Shameek visits FRT to share his perspective on the emerging landscape and trends in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence across the financial services industry.
Shameek discusses the key areas of application, as well as the maturity of adoption and the key challenges facing banks and insurers. We discuss the issues of trust and scalability, and the roles of guardrails, risk mitigants and regulation in helping to ensure safe innovation. Shameek also touches on initiatives such as the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s ‘Veritas’ program and the Band of England / /Financial Conduct Authority Artificial Intelligence Public-Private Forum.