Status: Draft -- Not PublishedWill be live at 09/08/2022 09:30
GRU Podcast: Cyber Regulation with Emran Islam of the International Monetary Fund
In this episode of the Global Regulatory Update podcast, Emran Islam, Senior Financial Sector Expert, IMF, discusses the evolving role of the IMF in cybersecurity, with an emphasis on raising awareness of the financial stability implications of cyber risk and a focus on the weakest links in the financial system. The discussion notes the importance of public/private sector collaboration and the need for regulators to work with firms as they reach the needed levels of cyber maturity. Emran also highlights the role of the IMF in providing to the global standard setters the broader perspectives of its members that are not always well represented in international discussions. Emran and Mary Frances discuss the need for a common approach to data policy frameworks and common principles for data governance and sharing to facilitate inclusion in the advantages of the digital economy. Emran concludes by noting the need for coordinated capacity building in cyber defenses in order to improve financial stability and facilitate financial inclusion. GRU podcasts are available at or on Apple podcasts, spotify and google play.