On September 5, the IIF published a Staff Paper "Resetting the debate on the role of private finance in the net-zero transition" discussing what mix of policy, corporate, and financial sector action is needed to enable net zero-aligned and aligning business opportunities to develop and be financed.
On August 28, the IIF and ISDA submitted a joint response to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision s (BCBS) consultation on Guidelines for counterparty credit risk (CCR) management.
The August 2024 edition of the Global Regulatory Update provides targeted updates on current workstreams and events.
On July 15, the IIF and ISDA submitted a comment letter to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's (BCBS) Discussion Paper on The role of climate scenario analysis in strengthening the management and supervision of climate-related financial risks.'.
The Institute of International Finance (IIF), together with GFMA and ISDA, has submitted a response to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) consultation on the global systemically important bank (G-SIB) revised assessment framework.
To gain greater insights on transition plan development across the global banking sector, Deloitte and the IIF have collaborated to map out the current state of play in this evolving area, through interviews with a sample of bank executives and research into initial transition plan disclosures.
This week s Digital Finance Developments spotlights recent and upcoming policy changes for Canadian financial services, with a focus on developments in payments, digital assets, artificial intelligence (AI), and open banking policy.
On Thursday, March 28, the Institute of International Finance (IIF), working with other trade associations, submitted a comment letter to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in response to a request for comment on the consultative document Cryptoasset standard amendments.
On Thursday, March 28, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) submitted a comment letter to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in response to a request for comment on the consultative document Recalibration of shocks for interest rate risk in the banking book.
The Q1 2024 U.S. Regulatory Update covers federal agency announcements, Congressional news, and senior regulatory appointments. This edition includes the recent SEC Rule on climate disclosures and the Federal Reserve's 2024 stress test scenarios.
On Thursday, March 14, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) submitted a comment letter to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in response to a request for comment on the consultative document Disclosure of climate-related financial risks. The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) co-signed the comment letter.
The February 2024 edition of the Global Regulatory Update provides targeted updates on current workstreams and events.
On February 16th, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) submitted a response to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Discussion paper on Digital fraud and banking: supervisory and financial stability implications.
The January 2024 edition of the Global Regulatory Update provides targeted updates on current workstreams and events.
China's shadow banks, especially the trust companies, are hurt badly by the deflationary economy and housing recession. The financial risk would be much greater if the regulators had not tightened the shadow bank regulations.
Chinese banks are facing mounting challenges amid the below-potential growth. The risks posed by the housing and local government sectors are not systemic. However, the deflation and falling lending rates are hurting banks badly.
This week's Developments examines the evolution of digital finance ecosystems in 2023.
On Monday, December 18, the IIF submitted a response to the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Consultation on Transition Planning Guidelines for Financial Institutions.
The December 2023 U.S. Regulatory Update covers federal agency announcements, Congressional news, and senior regulatory appointments that have taken place within the last few months.
The IIF and ISDA have submitted a joint comment letter to the Basel Committee responding to their consultation on updates to the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision.
On Tuesday, October 10, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) published a new report on The Role of The Financial Sector in the Net Zero Transition: Assessing Implications for Policy, Supervision and Market Frameworks.
The September 2023 U.S. Regulatory Update covers the latest federal agency announcements, Congressional news, and senior regulatory appointments, including Basel III Capital Proposals and new rules on cyber incident disclosures.
The August 2023 edition of the Global Regulatory Update provides targeted updates on current workstreams and events.
The July 2023 edition of the Global Regulatory Update provides targeted updates on current workstreams and events.
Emissions Impossible: IIF/WTW joint research report on quantifying financial risks associated with the net zero transition.
The April 2023 edition of the Global Regulatory Update provides targeted updates on current workstreams and events.
The March 2023 edition of the Global Regulatory Update provides targeted updates on current workstreams and events.
On February 6, the IIF submitted a comment letter on the U.S. Federal Reserve Board's (FRB) Draft Principles for Climate-Related Financial Risk Management for Large Financial Institutions.
The January 2023 edition of the Global Regulatory Update provides targeted updates on current workstreams and events.
Cybersecurity has returned to the top of the list of near-term risks for banks around the world, according to the latest EY and Institute of International Finance (IIF) bank risk management survey.
The IIF has submitted a comment letter to the European Banking Authority (EBA) Discussion Paper on the role of environmental risks in the prudential framework.
The IIF has submitted a letter to the FATF on changes to FATF Recommendation 25 concerning the beneficial ownership of legal arrangements.
The IIF has submitted a comment letter to the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) on the ISSB s Exposure Draft IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information and Exposure Draft IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures.
This paper contributes industry perspectives on the theoretical basis, methodological approaches, and potential implications of using the regulatory capital framework to address climate-related risks.
The IIF, ISDA, and GFMA provided public comments to the Financial Stability Board (FSB) on its Interim Report on "Supervisory and Regulatory Approaches to Climate-related Risks.".
On April 11, 2022, the IIF responded to the SEC’s proposed rule: Money Market Reform (File No. S7-22-21).
The IIF has published an updated White Paper concerning issues for effectiveness and international coherence in financial crime reform efforts underway in the European Union.
The March 2022 edition of the Global Regulatory Update provides targeted updates on current workstreams and events.
On February 7, 2022 the IIF submitted comments on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking by FinCEN in the United States which proposes to establish beneficial ownership reporting requirements.
The IIF, together with ISDA, submitted a response to the BCBS, CPMI and IOSCO consultative report on the topic of "Review of margining practices" on January 26.
The IIF has responded to the consultation of the FATF on amendments to Recommendation 24 concerning beneficial ownership transparency standards.
In this paper, the Institute of International Finance and Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP highlight four areas of focus where continued reform could build on the good work and progress already underway globally to help improve the effectiveness of the anti-financial crime framework.
The Key Regulatory and Policy Discussion Summary covers relevant topics discussed at the 2021 IIF Annual Membership Meeting (AMM), including prudential regulation, regulatory fragmentation, sustainability, digital finance, financial crime, insurance, and more.
More than nine in ten (91%) of surveyed bank chief risk officers (CROs) view climate change as the top emerging risk over the next five years. Only about half (52%) of CROs said the same in 2019.
The IIF has submitted comments on an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network in the US on beneficial ownership information reporting reform.
The Institute of International Finance (IIF) and the Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA) have submitted a joint response letter to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) supporting the draft principles put forward in their Consultative Document "Principles for operational resilience.".
The Institute of International Finance (IIF) and the Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA) submitted a joint response letter to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s (BCBS) Consultative Document "Revisions to the principles for the sound management of operational risk.".
The October 2020 IIF Global Regulatory Update provides updates on current work streams.
The Institute of International Finance (IIF), together with ISDA and the FIA, submitted a joint response to the Financial Stability Board (FSB) Consultative Document "Financial resources to support CCP resolution and the treatment of CCP equity in resolution" on July 31, 2020.
The IIF has responded to the consultation of the European Commission on the mandate for Europol.
This staff paper discusses the heightened importance of coordination among an internationally active bank’s supervisors during the COVID-19 pandemic and suggests opportunities to continue enhancing supervisory coordination through the crisis and the recovery phase.
The IIF commended the efforts taken by BCBS and IOSCO to address the challenges of the final phases of non-cleared margin implementation. However, it underscored that the efforts of our members to prepare are severely impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic.
The IIF is pleased to submit our comment letter on the BCBS discussion paper on designing a prudential treatment for crypto-assets.
The IIF submitted a Joint Associations response to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Consultation Paper on the topic of Targeted Final Revisions to CVA Risk on February 25.
On February 14, 2020 the IIF responded to a BCBS consultation on revisions to market risk disclosure requirements.
The February 2020 IIF Global Regulatory Update provides updates on current work streams.
The Institute of International Finance (IIF) on February 11th conveyed its financial services regulatory priorities for engagement with the new European Commission in a letter to Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis.
The Institute of International Finance on February 14th submitted a response to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Consultative Document on Voluntary Disclosure of Sovereign Exposures.
The IIF has commented on a Basel Committee Consultation on draft guidance for cooperation between AML/CFT and prudential supervisory authorities.
We discuss the recent Basel Committee report on Open Banking and APIs with lead author Linda Jeng.
On January 13, the IIF responded to the Basel Committee’s recent report on open banking and application programming interfaces.
The annual RiskMinds International conference was held in Amsterdam during the first week of December, drawing an extensive Chief Risk Officer (CRO) community from all continents, including many of the regular participants in the IIF’s various regional CRO Fora.
This IIF staff paper evaluates the benefits of cross-border banking, with a focus on its implications for the macroeconomy and financial stability. It also includes policy proposals to reduce market fragmentation and maximize the net benefits of cross-border banking.
Please find our latest U.S. Regulatory Update, covering the Federal Reserve’s Semiannual Monetary Policy Report, Congressional Libra Hearings, Stress Testing and CCAR results, and Capitol Hill updates, among other topics.
Riksbank Governor Stefan Ingves discusses Sweden’s "cashless" economy, the potential eKrona digital currency, and the importance of staying the course in regulatory developments (with Brad Carr).
The June 2019 IIF Global Regulatory Update provides updates on Advocacy on Addressing Market Fragmentation, Evaluation of Too-Big-To-Fail (TBTF) Reforms and the Basel III Finalization & Cumulative Capital Impact Study.
Our U.S. Regulatory Update covers the Federal Reserve’s proposals on FBO requirements, FSOC’s proposed changes to nonbank designations, the NAIC International Forum, and Capitol Hill updates, among other topics.
The IIF submitted to the Basel Committee and to representatives of the Basel Policy Development Group this letter which sets out the key messages of our advocacy and industry's recommendations for addressing these issues.
The May 2019 IIF Global Regulatory Update provides updates on the Financial Stability Board along with current work streams in Regulatory Capital, Cyber Security, Digital Finance, Accounting, Sustainable Finance, Systemic Risk, Insurance and upcoming events.
The industry comment letter was submitted to the BCBS on March 14.
Despite hopes for a continued "v-shaped" equity market recovery, investors are hedging their bets; Highly procyclical U.S. fiscal stance in sharp contrast to other mature economies; "Shadow banking" on the rise around the world-though not so much in the U.S.; Record pace of buybacks by S&P500 sparks more debate about their merits.
The final revised Basel III Market Risk standard was published on January 14th in the new ‘modular’ format. We have arranged for a comparison document/tool which provides a comparison between the standards and an overview of the differences between the text of the 2019 and 2016 market risk rules.
The IIF, our members and other associations developed an industry response to the BCBS consultation paper (CP) on "Leverage ratio treatment of client cleared derivatives.".
The IIF has submitted the response letter to the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) Consultation Paper - Enhancing banks’ and insurers’ approaches to managing the financial risks from climate change.
The Basel Committee on Bank Supervision finalised the Basel III Market Risk standard on January 14, 2019.
The December 2018 IIF Global Regulatory Update provides updates on current work streams in regulatory capital, recovery and resolution, accounting, cyber security, digital finance, sustainable finance, AML/CFT, insurance, and upcoming events.
The ninth annual global bank risk management survey, "Accelerating digital transformation: Four imperatives for risk management", carried out by EY and.
The IIF recently wrote to the EU Institutions concerning efforts to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing. The letter calls for improved inf.
Where "˜Open Banking' frameworks are being developed for the policy objectives of promoting competition and empowering consumers, these are worthwhile.
On August 20, the IIF, along with BPI and GFMA, submitted comments to the FSB on its consultation on the technical implementation of the FSB's standar.
The IIF and GFMA recently jointly filed a response to a FSB consultation on recommendations for consistent national reporting of data on the use of co.
Our latest US Financial Regulatory Update, covering proposed changes to the Stress Capital Buffer, CCAR assumptions, the eSLR, and CECL; statements fr.
Since the 2009 G20 Pittsburgh Summit, pro-cyclicality has rightly been a prominent concern within the regulatory community. Some particular initiative.
This newsletter is designed to provide a targeted monthly update on IIF insurance activities and events, and highlight some relevant IIF publications.
The associations generally support the FSB's proposed guidance but suggest a few enhancements and clarifications. In particular, the associations reco.
The associations appreciate the FSB's awareness that the operationalization of bail-in requires not only banks but also authorities and providers of m.
The IIF is pleased to provide some specific requests for clarification on particular items in the final Basel III reforms that were announced on Decem.
The IIF welcomes the Bank of England's approach to calibrate internal MREL at the low end of the Financial Stability Board's 75% to 90% range - provid.
The IIF has responded to the European Banking Authority (EBA)'s consultation on "The EBA's approach to fintech". The response stresses that supervisor.
The IIF has responded to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's consultation on "Sound practices: implications of fintech developments for banks.
The IIF/McKinsey report on "The Future of Risk Management in the Digital Era" has been produced to help organizations navigate a digital risk transfor.
The eighth annual global bank risk management survey, "Restore, rationalize and reinvent: a fundamental shift in the way banks manage risk", carried o.
While 2017 has seen several welcome and encouraging signals of continued commitment to international regulatory processes, concerns of fragmentation s.
Our latest US Financial Regulatory Update, covering an update on Treasury's upcoming reports and recent release on Capital Markets, analysis on the FS.
On June 29, the Basel Committee released the Consultative Document: Simplified alternative to the standardised approach to market risk capital require.
The latest installment of our US Financial Regulatory Update, reviewing testimony to Congress by the heads of the FDIC and OCC, and Federal Reserve Go.
The IIF reiterate our support for the need for a stable and resilient global financial system, and for the continued evolution of the GSIB assessment.
The ECB's ability to extend its purchase program beyond 2017 will be limited by a lack of public-sector debt eligible for purchase under the public-se.
In line with Executive Order 13772 set out by President Trump on February 3, 2017, the US Treasury Department released on June 12 its first report on.
On June 2nd the IIF submitted letters on the topic of intermediate holding companies for foreign banking organisations to the European Commission, the.
The June 2017 IIF Global Regulatory Update provides updates on current work streams in: regulatory capital systemic risk recovery and resolution acco.
The Industry appreciates the change in the Committee's overall regulatory approach. Replacing the previously conceived automatic Pillar 1 capital or l.
For the past several years the Institute of International Finance (IIF) has been consistently underscoring the importance of evaluating the effectiven.
The IIF recently submitted a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin detailing key issues for the Treasury to consider in the context of its revie.
Where the role of international regulatory processes and standard-setters has been questioned, and has particular prominence since the election of the.
In order to provide an overview of the status of both Congressional and Presidential initiatives, the following note outlines four major current issue.
The IIF continues to promote greater harmonization of credit risk modeling practices, parameters, and assumptions. Banks' internal models are critical.
Mid-sized banks (MSBs), which we define for the purposes of this paper as those with total assets between approximately $100 - $500 billion, face nume.
On October 19, the IIF submitted to the Basel Committee and the CPMI updated recommendations to the glossary of terms for intraday liquidity monitorin.
Several of the current BCBS proposed amendments to the regulatory capital framework, if implemented as drafted, will have pronounced impacts on Emergi.
The Senior Accounting Group submitted to the Basel Committee a joint letter with GFMA regarding the importance of clarifying the interpretation of the.
The proposed limitations on cross-holdings among banks of TLAC for market-making or investment purposes are likely to have a significant impact on the.
On August 5, the IIF submitted a comment letter to the US Federal Reserve, FDIC and OCC on their notice of proposed rulemaking to implement the NSFR.
The IIF and the industry generally have supported the principle of harmonization of financial definitions and reporting. The Basel Committee's propose.
Important priorities commented upon include netting of payables and receivables for unsettled trades, treatment of securitisations that do not meet ac.
On June 24, the IIF, ISDA and AFME jointly submitted a comment letter to the European Commission in response to their consultation on the Net Stable F.
The industry comments on the consultation on the second phase of revised Pillar 3 strongly endorse enhancing market understanding of banks' capital an.
The IIF is fully supportive of the goal to reduce RWA variance and to strengthen the regulatory capital framework. Through the IIF RWA Task Force, we.
The IIF together with GFMA responded to the Basel Committee's consultation on the new Standardized Measurement Approach (SMA) for Operational Risk. Th.
The paper tracks the development of global capital standards from its beginnings in the 1980s with Basel I, through the crisis to the full implementat.
Some common perceptions of loss/recovery rates and expectations of Loss Given Default (LGD) are based on publicized liquidation scenarios, when such s.
The IIF recently submitted a joint letter in response to the Basel Committee's consultation on revisions to the Standardized Approach for Credit Risk.
The industry is concerned about the Committee's proposal, its scope, and its potential implications for the ability of banks to engage in key financia.
On January 21, the IIF submitted a response to the EBA's consultation on how the Definition of Default is treated within banks' credit modeling. Build.
The Associations agree with the basic goals of having TLAC available to assure orderly resolution of G-SIBs without recourse to public funds, and the.
This summary reflects what we have learned from recent statements, presentations, and other engagement with the BCBS, including some indicative timing.
The Associations welcomed the general themes of the FSB's consultation on "Guiding principles on the temporary funding needed to support the orderly r.
The joint comment letter on the Guidance on Arrangements to Support Operational Continuity in Resolution stressed the importance of flexibility in ass.