The IIF is the leading voice for the financial services industry on global regulatory issues. We engage continuously and constructively with global standard setters and policymakers through formal submissions and reports, as well as through regular dialogue and high-level symposia.
We help shape the global policy and regulatory agenda by providing industry input and feedback on critical issues such as sustainable finance, international capital and liquidity standards for banks and insurers, combating financial crime, supervision and risk management, and accounting standards, among many others.
The IIF organizes groups of representatives from members to articulate international perspectives on regulatory and supervisory issues, and to interact with corresponding groups in the official sector.
The IIF has submitted letters to the G20, Financial Stability Board and IOSCO commending their commitment to address the increasing levels of fragmentation in financial markets.
The June edition of the Insurance Update provides targeted updates on IIF insurance activities and events, and highlights relevant IIF publications or related regulatory developments in other fields.
In our letter we emphasize the importance and contribution of FBOs to the US financial system and we highlight how the scale of the FBO operations has declined significantly since the initial FBO Rules.
The June 2019 IIF Global Regulatory Update provides updates on Advocacy on Addressing Market Fragmentation, Evaluation of Too-Big-To-Fail (TBTF) Reforms and the Basel III Finalization & Cumulative Capital Impact Study.
A new set of private sector principles to enhance transparency in sovereign debt markets.
Our U.S. Regulatory Update covers the Federal Reserve’s proposals on FBO requirements, FSOC’s proposed changes to nonbank designations, the NAIC International Forum, and Capitol Hill updates, among other topics.
The May edition of the Insurance Update provides targeted updates on IIF insurance activities and events, and highlights relevant IIF publications or related regulatory developments in other fields.
The IIF submitted to the Basel Committee and to representatives of the Basel Policy Development Group this letter which sets out the key messages of our advocacy and industry's recommendations for addressing these issues.