Entries for 'Asia Pacific'
December 22, 2020
The PBoC halted its emergency easing as early as April, but continued to support the economy via fund-for-lending schemes and subsidies to bank loans. This note summarizes PBoC actions this year, with particular attention to the emergency funding schemes.
December 16, 2020
China's core CPI stayed at 0.5% in the past five consecutive months. This note investigates the drivers of China's inflation. We find that the output gap was the main culprit of disinflation in 1H due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Low oil prices and RMB appreciation further depressed domestic prices.
December 9, 2020
We expect Brent oil prices to average $47/b in 2021, but upside risks are significant. Low interest rates, a weaker US$, tighter supply, and strong demand from East Asia are boosting non-fuel commodity prices.
December 7, 2020
Currently, the digital RMB (DCEP) is designed to be strictly cash-like with no interest payment and distributed by commercial banks to minimize the risk of disintermediation. Its impacts on banks, monetary policy, and RMB globalization depend on how the design will evolve.
November 15, 2020
China’s surveyed UR provides more reliable labor data than before. Its survey method is consistent with global norms, and its coverage is reasonably comprehensive. An aging population, expanding services sector, and lower labor force participation help explain the stable unemployment rate.
October 27, 2020
The Hong Kong Autonomy Act (HKAA) stipulates potentially highly damaging sanctions. At the extreme, the U.S. may disconnect China’s banks and corporates from the U.S. Dollar. Should the conflict escalate, we worry about unintended consequences for global markets.
October 21, 2020
We expect a stronger recovery in capital flows to Asia relative to other EMs in 2021. FDI remains an important driver, with India and Indonesia as the largest recipients. Relatively robust inflows and c/a adjustments in ‘20 allow for reserve accumulation. A reemergence of COVID-19 and geopolitical factors are the key risks to the outlook.
September 23, 2020
Many EM central banks started QE-like programs at the height of the COVID-19 crisis. This coincided with questions arising with respect to the financing of widening deficits. However, actual government bond purchases remain limited so far, including in Asia. Domestic investors appear to have stepped in to buy up additional sovereign issuance.
August 12, 2020
China’s economic recovery in 2Q2020 was mainly driven by manufacturing and construction, thanks to effective pandemic control and policy support. Increases in household income and consumption are needed to make the recovery more sustainable. We expect the economy to grow by 2.2% for the whole year.
July 29, 2020
We analyze external adjustments in EM Asia following the COVID-19 shock. Cross-border flows are shifting considerably in many countries in the region. The global recession weighs on exports and weak domestic demand on imports. Other sources of FX inflows have come under significant pressure as well in H1. This includes both international tourism revenues and workers’ remittances.
July 28, 2020
The ASEAN region is now China’s largest trading partner, top tourism destination, and a key investment partner. However, the depth of these relationships vary among the individual ASEAN member states. We expect economic integration to continue in the region.
July 14, 2020
A recent PBoC survey revealed information regarding Chinese household balance sheets. Chinese households’ net worth is surprisingly large thanks to high savings rates and rising home values. The under-allocation in financial assets means poor liquidity yet great potential for diversification.
June 24, 2020
EM are experiencing an unprecedented and synchronized growth slowdown in ‘20. Restrictions remain in place in many countries, as the health crisis is far from over. The fiscal response has been uneven in EM, with some running out of policy space. Most EM central banks cut rates aggressively, and QE has become part of the toolkit. Asset price recovery and a modest return of capital flows should provide support.
June 17, 2020
We downgrade our forecast and now expect an output contraction of 3.2%. The collapse in tourism has had the most immediate impact on the region. Shutdowns weakened domestic demand and exports declined markedly. Monetary and fiscal countermeasures will only partially offset this effect.
June 9, 2020
The PBoC can assist fiscal functions by providing necessary liquidity and taking on some quasi-fiscal functions through relending and policy banks. The PBoC may have to support the issuance of special central government bonds. However, the PBoC is not going to explicitly monetize fiscal deficits.
May 14, 2020
China’s rising CPI, elevated debt, and deteriorating external positions prevented strong credit stimulus in 2019. Policy impulses came mainly in the form of fiscal spending in 2018 and tax cuts in 2019. Stimulus in 2020 requires better coordination among fiscal, monetary and credit policies.
March 26, 2020
The damage to China’s economy by COVID-19 will far exceed the impact of SARS and the GFC.
Though factories have reopened, it will take much longer f...
March 24, 2020
We see the global economy in recession this year, as low oil and financial stress add to the Covid shock. The shock hits EM after years of already subpar growth. We project recessions everywhere in Latin America, and the lowest EM Asia growth since the 1997-98 crisis.
March 11, 2020
Hong Kong’s economy took a hit last year due to social unrest and trade tensions. Falling consumption, investment and foreign trade dragged its economy into recession. However, Hong Kong’s financial industry has proven resilient. The COVID-19 shock raises growth and other risks going forward.
February 5, 2020
The picture of China’s overseas direct investment (ODI) is quite different from many people’s impressions.